
Warsztaty CAFEIN w Warszawie | Exploring Funding Options for CAFEIN Joint Action Plan


Welcome and Introduction

Introduction to the Joint Action Plan

Workshop Agenda and Goals

Presentation of Potential Funding Sources

Overview of the list of programs considered for financing JAP Initiatives

Gathering feedback and comments from participants

Breakout Group Discussions

Exploration of Additional National/Regional Funding Sources:

– Direct funding from Funding Agencies

– Support through European and national Calls for


– Regional funding opportunities & ERDF

– Co-funding with traditional banks

– Collaboration with large companies

– Other institutions, e.g., International Foundations

Presentation of subgroup findings and discussion

Presentation of Subgroup Findings

Utilization of a voting system to allocate funding sources to four priorities:

– Developing and Accessing Green Industrial Solutions

– Improving Digital Skills and HR Competencies

– Scaling up Innovation Support and Ecosystems

– Strengthening and Easing Access to Funding for SMEs

Conclusion and wrap up

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